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The young Edward Bess, born in South Carolina, acted as a personal styling and make-up artist for his three older sisters at an early age. After studying drama in New York and a career as a male model, he launched in 2006 his first beauty collection "Lip Wardorbe" - a box of ten lipstick colors that should never go out of fashion. The collection was offered in the New York shopping store Bergdorf Goodman and developed over night to an absolute bestseller. Inspired by the incredible success he quit up his modeling career and developed his first make-up collection. The result is a high-quality product range that ranges from the Foundation and EB Cream to eyeliners and his Signature Bess Lash mascara. Discover the exclusive make-up collection by Edward Bess now at Bestkosmetik and be enchanted by the great products.

Edward Bess
Edward Bess
€39,00 € 34,95 GP: € 9710,00/1 kg
Edward Bess
€36,00 € 32,50 GP: € 5510,00/1 l
Edward Bess
€69,00 € 61,95 GP: € 8050,00/1 kg
Edward Bess
€59,00 € 52,95 GP: € 1000,00/1 l
Edward Bess
€49,00 € 43,95 GP: € 2200,00/1 l
Edward Bess
€ 55,95 GP: € 7270,00/1 kg
Edward Bess
€42,00 € 37,50 GP: € 10710,00/1 kg